I spent two nights figuring out the solution. Now I'm tired of still working. I give up on my work for now. This evening the show must go on .
I have to write this log as well as I can. Then I will go home and sleep a bit.
I will come back at 14:13.
I will go to my English class at 6:30. Thank God, its become a relief from my daily stress, changing activities and talking with smart people is important for remaining sane.
Tonight, I'm sure I can fix the PLL and start the next task: Controling the rectifiers.
About the comic Anarko. I am one of its fans. Anarko is a marginal hero created by JUCCA. Anarko's life is full of figths. Police, drug dealers and gangster are some of his enemies. He enjoy meeting women, smoking marijuana and making trouble. In adition, he avoids following rules and having sentimental ties. Anarko is different of US and Japan heros. He is not perfect. Did I said "no perfect"? I didn't think anybody in the world could be less "perfect" . But, he makes his own rules and follows his own path facing all the consecuences. As a son of old Valparaiso tryng to survive in a rigid society that refuses to accept differences, Anarko's head holds acid critiques of Chilean society.The whole Anarko series needs to be read in two levels: the basic to smile and the complex to cry.
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Como puede ser posible que estando a un paso de la gloria, la suerte me sea tan esquiva...
Sera que mi vida es parte de un comic de JUCCA ...
Si la suerte de la la espalda, agarrale el poto.
JUCCA, recuerdan?... ANARKO esa revista en formato de fotocopias que traia el Fuentes y que leimos a escondidas de los curas, placer culpable de hace ya 15 años...
Este fue un icono en su momento, el heroe de las barriadas, siempre en problemas con la policia, los traficantes y los patos malos de los cerros de Valparaiso.
En fin, para los interesados este es el sitio. Sino, miren el link a ergocomix al costado izquierdo de la pantalla o si ya la flojera es mucha haga click ACA.
Colbert Report
Colbert Report, one of my favorites shows, he is sarcastic, he is sharp enjoy it.
En la manchega llanura, una sombra canta soñadora sobre historias de gigantes hechiceros y hazañas sin parangon.
Where is Chile located?
I saw the Molson beer Campaign "I am Canadian". The main idea is using USA predjudices about Canadians to link Canadian pride with the product. I was thinking about the predjudices that all North Americans (USA and Canadians) have about the South Americans. Basically, lot of people think that Southern Cone is part of Mexico or Cuba.
-I'm not good at dancing. In my national dance, couples dance three meters apart from each other.
-I 'm not a "latin lover:" one woman at a time is enought.
-I live in long country north of Antarctica, you can see desert, glaciars and basically all between excepting tropical. I know the monkeys from pictures and I buy bananas in the market.
-I talk spanish fast and full of idiomatics. If you aren't a native speaker you can't catch my words.
-We dont live in tippees or white-brick houses with horses in front.
-I don't know how to cook "burritos" and "tacos:" ask me about hot dogs, küchen or barbeques, for me "tacos" are high heels and "burritos" are donkeys.
-Yes, my country is located south of Mexico, south of Artic, south of Canada and south of the States too (remember, Mexico is part of North America).
-I live near Argentina, Bolivia and Peru, not Cuba, South Africa, Morocco or Laos.
-My police don't ask you for money. If you offer them money you will probably receive as reward a trip to a Chilean jail .
-You can find Chileans living In every country in this world. However, it's very hard to identify Chileans if they don't open their mouths and course.
-We are patriots and very kind with tourist too, but you have to realize that we are serious and sad people. It is a country to visit if you want to see amazing landscapes. For parties, go to Brazil.
-And finally my name is Johan and I Am Chilean!!!
Are you interested?
Take a look.
"Estamos locos, locos de atar /somos trovadores que en tu ciudad damos pinceladas y color a tu gris realidad /Somos mitad caballeros mitad bohemios y embusteros/ no somos lo que un padre quiere para su hijita bebe/ hasta que el cuerpo aguante /hasta que quiera mi voz /seguire viviendo tal como soy"
"No importa cuan loco te crean todos, mantente firme, mantente en pie, /Si tienes un ideal, un principio, defiéndelo y aférrate a él. /Sé rebelde como el mar, sé noble porque al final, de esta vida llevarás, tu libertad. /Todos soñamos con ser, un caballero y tener, algo por lo que luchar, y un amor que defender"
Fuego aliado
Hoy es uno de esos dias donde los morteros se quedan cortos y las bombas caen sobre las cabezas de los propios soldados.
Se me han quebrado 4 brocas taladrando el famoso heat
Me duele la cabeza.
Tengo Hambre.
Soy el unico humano trabajando en el subterraneo.
Odio todo.
Odio odiar.
Extraño mi mujer perfecta.
Extraño mi cama.
Estoy seguro que cuando me vaya voy a extrañar esta ciudad.
El heat sink quedo lleno de hoyos y con pedazos de broca por todos lados, todo mal.
Cuando la ultima se rompio, un trozo se enterro en mi mano. Entro girando el muy maldito y no queria salir. Tuve que sacarlo con un cartonero. Apartedel susto no fue nada serio.
Manche el piso con sangre [04-RH+]
Lo limpie con papel :-)
Tengo hambre
Siendo las 9 me retiro.
Cuanto recuerdo me trae ese video amor, caminando a tu lado por ese parque.
La letra dice exactamente lo que me dijiste ese dia, "solo te quiero pedir, que siempre me mires asi".
My love, this video bring me memories of you and me walking together on that park.
The lyrics said the same you said that day: "I want to begg you one thing only, forever look me in this way".
Bye Bye Green Eyes
Carpe Noctem
- 1:30 AM. I'm bored of being tired :(
- 2:30 AM. I'm tired of being bored >:(
- 2:36 AM. I ate a banana snack 5 minutes ago. It was a bad option. banana sucks :S
- 2:54 AM. I'm drinking a coffee while listening to The Who's song "Behind blue Eyes". This melody remeber me my best friend.
-4:29 AM. I have finished building the switches. Now I'm checking to make sure each board working fine while listen to Bon Jovi's song "Blaze of Glory".
-5:40 AM. Time to check inventary. The sun is rising over Montreal.
-7:30 AM. That's a night, time to go home, bye.
-2:00 PM. I have arrived at work again.
-4:15 PM. I go to my english classes.
-6:00 PM. I have arrived at work again.
-10:00 AM. I went home.
Some days I'm the kind of man that I don't want to be.
Some days I'm a bad man.
Today I'm a sad man.
Frases Utiles
Por la Razon o la Fuerza (Lema de la Republica)
Al abordaje muchachos (Capitan Prat)
Avanza Rapido Conchetumare (El chileno Desconocido)
Huidobro, 100 ciclos pasaron y nada cambio.
Balance patriótico
...Sin entusiasmo, sin fe, sin esperanzas. Un pueblo de envidiosos, sordos y pálidos calumniadores, un pueblo que resume todo su anhelo de superación en cortar las alas a los que quieren elevarse y pasar una plancha de lavandera sobre el espíritu de todo aquel que desnivela el medio estrecho y embrutecido. ..
...Decir la verdad significa amar a su pueblo y creer que aún puede levantársele y yo adoro a Chile, amo a mi patria desesperadamente, como se ama a una madre que agoniza...
..Y no es culpa del extranjero que viene a negocios en nuestra tierra. Se compra lo que se vende; en un país en donde se vende conciencias, se compra conciencias. La vergüenza es para el país. El oprobio es para el vendido, no para el comprador...
...Frente a la antigua oligarquía chilena, que cometió muchos errores, pero que no se vendía, se levanta hoy una nueva aristocracia de la banca, sin patriotismo, que todo lo cotiza en pesos y para la cual la política vale tanto cuanto sonante pueda sacarse de ella. Ni la una ni la otra de estas dos aristocracias ha producido grandes hombres, pero la primera, la de los apellidos VINOSOS, no llegó nunca a la impudicia de esta obra de los apellidos BANCOSOS...
...Hace días he visto al pueblo agrupado en torno a la estatua de O'Higgins. ¿Qué hacían esos hombres al pie del monumento? ¿Qué esperaban? ¿Buscaban acaso protección a la sombra del gran patriota?
Tal vez creían ellos que el alma del Libertador flotaba en el aire y que de repente iba a reencarnarse en el bronce de su estatua y saltando desde lo alto del pedestal se lanzaría al galope por calles y avenidas, dando golpes de mandoble hasta romper su espada de canto cortar cabezas de sinvergüenzas y miserables. No valía la pena haberos libertado para que arrastrarais de este modo mi vieja patria, gritaría el Libertador...
...En Chile necesitamos un alma, necesitamos un hombre en cuya garganta vengan a condensarse los clamores de tres millones y medio de hombres, en cuyo brazo vengan a condensarse las energías de todo un pueblo y cuyo corazón tome desde Tacna hasta el Cabo de Hornos el ritmo de todos los corazones del país.
Y que este hombre sepa defendernos del extranjero y de nosotros mismos.
Tenemos fama de imperialistas y todo el mundo nos mete el dedo en la boca hasta la campanilla. Nos quitan la Patagonia, la Puna de Atacama, firmamos el Tratado de Ancón, el más idiota de los tratados, y nos llaman imperialistas.
Advirtiendo de pasada que hubo un ministro de Chile en Argentina, el ministro Lastarria, que tuvo arreglado el asunto de la Patagonia, dejando a la Argentina como límite sur el río Negro, y este ministro fue retirado de su puesto por antipatriota. Tal ha sido siempre la visión de nuestros gobernantes. Los huasos macucos tan maliciosos y tan diablos y sobre todo tan boquiabiertos...
...Que los viejos se vayan a sus casas, no quieran que un día los jóvenes los echen al cementerio.
Todo lo grande que se ha hecho en América y sobre todo en Chile, lo han hecho los jóvenes. Así es que pueden reírse de la juventud. Bolívar actuó a los 29 años. Carrera, a los 22; O'Higgins, a los 34, y Portales, a los 36.
Que se vayan los viejos y que venga juventud limpia y fuerte, con los ojos iluminados de entusiasmo y de esperanza...
texto completo: http://www.cfg.uchile.cl/fg/semestre2/_2002/memoria/modulo2/clase4/doc/huidobro.doc
¿Cómo será IRAK de aquí a 4 años?
Dios respondió: Estará destruido por innumerables bombardeos Norteamericanos.
Saddam se sentó y lloró.
Bush preguntó a Dios:
¿Cómo serán los EE.UU. de aquí a 4 años?
Dios respondió: Estará todo contaminado por innumerables ataques de bombas químicas de Osama Bin Laden.
Bush se sentó y lloró.
Bachelet preguntó a Dios:
¿Cómo será Chile de aquí a 4 años, después de mi gobierno?
Dios se sentó y lloró...
Oremos a la gran papa sagrada para que ilumine a los gobernantes, si les va mal nos reventamos todos!!!
Necesitamos una Tatcher no un Frei con falda.
A la muerte o la victoria
Conoce de tus guerras para que aprendas a querer la paz. Respeta las diferencias, todos somos hijos de esta tierra. Respeta al que se va porque lleva tus costumbres a lejanas tierras y respeta al que se queda porque trabaja por los suyos. Siente el orgullo de tu pasado comun.
Combate al ladron y al asesino. Proteje al huerfano y a la viuda. Escupe la cara del corrupto. Desprecia al flojo. Y cuando pases por Arica, por Concepcion o por Chiloe mira la tierra con respeto porque es seguro que alli murio un hombre peleando por los suyos.
Viva Chile
Morneau and the Sacred Potato
I took a look and said him, "It's only a shower" and I went for a coffee.
But the Sacred Potato was upset. I forgot to put money on its altar. In revenge, The goddess brought about a change, starting a strong rain when I came back to the lab.
Today Morneau was rigth. I think the Sacred Potato had inspired his prophecy.
Hail to the Sacred Potato.
Montreal, August 10. 2:11 AM
Montreal is the city where I have lived the last 4 months. It is a cosmopolitan place, a melting pot where in the same street you can see people of every race and language that you can imagine.
The Immigrants
Originally this was a Quebecois city. I mean French Canadian, but this country as big as Europe, and has only two times the Chilean population. Then, the government has made big efforts to increase it. A stable economy, welfare and the proverbial politeness of the natives helps to attract a lot of immigrants.
Basically you can find three kinds of immigrants. Legal immigrants are normally qualificated people that want reaching higher positions in international companies. Refugees are people that go to Canada to avoid wars in their fatherlands. Finally you can see illegal immigrants. They normally arrive on Canada as tourists and start working in the large black market. Some are imprisoned and sent back to their countries. Some make the attempt to reach the status of refugee using lies in their declarations. Some start to pay taxes to prove they aren't a burden to the society. Finally, some get married with older women to obtain the citizenship. I don't judge these people but I think it is a sad situation.
In thesefew months I meet people of Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, U.S.A, Belgium, Holland, Bangladesh, Greece, Hungary, France, Morocco and Russian Jews. The general impression is that everyone is similar in the core but different in the envelope. People that were born in places where families still important talks easily with another people. By contrast people coming from places where families have weak links are very cautious about talking with strangers. I think, it is because they don't have emotional support and this forces them to be very selective by whom will come into their life. I don't know it is good or bad, it is different.
The Quebecois
Quebec's people are very special. Basically they are reluctant to talk with strangers. They are very polite and very cautious about following the rules but they are very distant too. I think French speakers probably will have a better reception. If you gain the confidence of a qubecois then you realize that they are normal people that love to talk. But trust me, reaching this degree of confidence is a very hard. Why? I think our polite customs have other interpretations in Quebecois society. For example, we use invitations to drink coffee as a way to be polite. They use it to dates. So, it is clear: Never, but never offer anything to a Quebecois you don't know, It doesn’t work as a way to start a friendship and worse, may be misunderstood.
The Call
Finally I have to go back to Chile in five weeks. Can I achieve all my objectives? I don't know. A little recognition or a big dishonor wait for me. But the most important objective, the hidden objective will be, must be achieved.
I will probably never be able to walk down these amazing streets again. Probably I can never see the friends that I have to leave here again. But I am sure I will never forget them. I cannot bring the people, the sounds, the smells with me. I can only bring my memories and some pictures of average people. They are the bricks this city is made of .
I have started loving this place. But I was born under Vespero. I cannot forget it. The far and lonely star calls its childrens, it call me now where my loved ones live.
Log August 9, 2006
It is the time to start the final assault.
Log. Aug 8, 2006
-09:00 I drank a coffe.
-09:15 I worked on my DSP code.
-11:00 I replaced two diodes by a jumper to match the DSP's voltage requirements.
-12:00 I wanted to see my dsp working, but the f****** board didn't cooperate.
-15:00 I ate ham and bread.
-16:00 I went to Wind generation tutorial.
-18:00 I back to work on the dsp.
-18:10 ChetumaRE, I had received an electrical discharge.
-20:30 I ate oriental noodles.
-21:00 I started the par review.
-23.00 I went home.
Declaracion de principios
01) Creo que todo trabajo es digno.
02) Creo que es bueno es lo que hace subir el nivel economico de la gente y que es malo lo que los hace mas pobres.
03) Creo que no hay que tener piedad con el estafador de corbata o el ladron de cuchillo, el que lo haga merece escarnio publico.
04) Creo que los que buscan la igualdad, deben partir por crear una empresa y convertir a sus empleados en accionistas.
05) Creo que un mal trabajo es mejor que ningun trabajo.
06) Creo que los empresarios no caen del cielo, y tienen las mismas virtudes y defectos que sus trabajadores: preocupados del que diran, del dinero que acumulan, algo envidiosos del exito ajeno y alaracos.
07) Creo firmemente en la eliminacion de los aranceles y subsidios como medida de ayudar a los pobres.
08) Creo en la libertad de conciencia como algo sagrado, en el derecho a divorciarse rapido, el derecho a abortar crias indeseadas, el derecho a consumir drogas, el derecho a objetar el servicio militar, el derecho a recibir instruccion militar y tener armas.
09) Creo en la libertad de religion y la prohibicion de mezclar religion y gobierno.
10) Creo en el respeto por la opinion ajena, y el derecho a rebatirla con todos los argumentos a mi disposicion si veo un error.
11) Creo en el amor a los propios principios, a la familia y a la patria como elementos basicos para levantar un pais que se quedo a medio camino del desarrollo.
Log 7.Aug.2006
08:00- I went to work.
08:15- I arrived at work and eated 2 bananas.
09:00- I worked in the hardware and put the last order on digikey.
12:00- I felt hungry. Then I went for2 apples and 2 can of mussles.
13:00- I started to adjust voltage and current sensors.
16:00- I went to my english classes.
18:00- I come back the lab.
19:00- I went for a cofee.
19:15- I resumed my work.
10:35- I wrote my declaration of principles
12.01- I went home.
CQC Argentina.
La "Irreverencia" de CQC Chile.
PD. Los que me conocen se preguntaran porque no me he dejado bigote...
Por postear esto directo de youtube, y no tener mas tiempo se malentendio toda la wea. Este es un ejemplo de las estrategias publicitarias que aprovechan las diferencias de cada pueblo. En chile se apela al patriotismo, a la esperanza. Pero miren el comercial argentino, el primero fue el comercial durante el mundial, el segundo cuando alemania los barrio, apelaron al humor.
Coca Cola - Todos Juntos
Coca Cola Futbol quedamos afuera del mundial
Y asi las agencias de publicidad apelan a las diferentes sensibilidades de cada pueblo, vi un comercial, (que no colocare en el blog, este es un blog decente) que solo puede funcionar en brasil, es de alguna margarina de suave textura, tan suave que sirve para que el marido le agradezca a su mujer el desayuno usando la margarina en su funcion menos ortodoxa (Maria Schneider style).
En este mismo estilo, Peirano y Diaz (Mira tu, 31 minutos) en plan z pusieron una parodia a lo agrandado de los argentino v/s la personalidad apocada del chileno(que se ha mejorado, pero cambiando ganando en personalidad y perdiendo cortesia, lo cortes no quita lo valiente por la cachimba'el mono). Obviamente el video saco ronchas a los que no vieron la segunda lectura y fue el fin del plan z.
De las aventuras y desventuras del Guzman del retiro
Dia puto.
Al menos pille una inalambrica sin contraseña, gracias Erika, quien quiera que seas.
Una foto del sucucho, mi vida se almacena en una maleta chica.
If you are reading it, please don't expect to read a masterpiece. This paragraph and all the following are only an attempt to write some short stories.
The Forgotten Souls
In a small town, south of the Bio-Bio River, the older people tell scary histories about the doomed souls of dead coal miners, souls that call for help. One day, forty or fifty years ago, the miners went to work as usual. The spring sun warmed softly the land of Buen Retiro. The miners going into the black hole to reach their workplaces, the miners saw the sunlight for the lst time. There was no sign about the coming tragedy. Suddenly, one of the galleries started to collapse and all at once, the ocean floded the mine. The force water throw the main elevator far over the hill. 300 men died that day.
Nowadays, when the west wind starts to blow, people say sometimes the ocean turns black, and people walking near the abandoned mine feel the compulsion to jump into it. Fishermans said “The screams start to be louder and louder, strange lights appears in the hill and then, we know it is best to come home quickly”.
People often commit suicide in this place.
In the beginning of the long war that the Spaniards fought against the Mapuches, a Castellan officer fell in love with an aborigine woman. Her name was Llacolen and she was the young daughter of Galvarino, an important warlord of the Lafken-Mapu.
The war became worse everyday. The castellan was looking for enemies when he saw a young women swimming in a big lagoon. They began with a forbidden romance. The months passes and the couple used to meet in the same place everyday. But this situation would not last. In the battlefield, Galvarino was defeated. The Spaniards cut his hands, but when he put his head under the axe, his enemies gave him his freedom. When the Mapuche warlords saw the offense, the response was a generalized attack on the Spanish garrisons. In middle of one battle Galvarino was killed. When the Spanish officer realizes it, he looked for his beloved. She was crying near of the big lagoon and nothing he did could relief the pain of her father’s death. Suddenly, the fiance' appeared, and again Toledo steel, met Araucanian wood. Finally both men died. Crying, Llacolen kissed her beloved for the last time and walked into the deep water.