
And still walking...

// JGD 02-Jun-2006 today i see another chilean
// I was walking when started to listen curses, a lot of curses
// first I think "putas el weon mal hablado (bitchs, he is a pot-mouth)"
// then I had realized that are chilean curses,( he looks like a quebecois)
// suddenly turned to my left and asked to him
// "oiga ignor de que parte de chile viene usted". this question surprised him
// and say to me "de vigna y tu", "de conce, suerte amigo" and I still walking.

// JGD 05-Jun-2006 Yesterday when I was home, at peel metro station an aymara men
// ask me in a very bad french for a pencil (like my french),
// i gave him a pencil and some instructions in order to obtain a metro-card
// finished my "daily good task" still walking
// Today I see this man again, puzzled about how to do basic thinks like take a bus
// Probabily in two years he can be better integrated in Montreal city
// than in a chilean, peruvian or white bolivian city,
// a bit of tolerance and polite behavior works fine to do it

//JGD 07-Jun-2006 the life is like a river,
// sometimes is strong and fresh, sometimes smells to shit

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

sabes, mi estimado brother, me acuerdo de la pelicula esa "pacto de lobos" que la vi entera y lo UNICO q entendi es "le loup est môrt"... cuidese OO