
Nothing in my mind

Empty Brain

This morning I didn't have any new ideas. For two hours my thoughts were lost in a black screen. Finally my soul left my body to play soccer with little creatures that dig galleries from Thule to the center of the earth. Meanwhile, my body was still writing code and listening to Rammstein songs.

I did my best to avoid thinking too much about my feelings. These feelings don't help me to work hard. Once again, I failed miserably. My sweet sadness gradually takes over my mind. My consciece told me "KeepWorking" but my complete humanity talked back "Don't bother me". It's hard, losing control over your feelings.

Lady Luck

I started checking the facts that brought me here. Murphy's Laws has been very influencial in my life. You can bet. Anyway, this is not a complaint, I need to face my real nature. Nothing was easy for me in the past, nothing is easy for me in the present. I think probably my life will forever be a kind of celestial joke, always receiving the correct answer at the wrong moment. To know it helps me to facing my problems.


When you are successfull you have a lot of frends. You only know who your real friends are when when you are worried .

What are friends good for?

They can listen to you sometimes.
They can give you advice sometimes, including the advices that don't you want.
They can relieve your pain sometimes by patting you on the shoulders.
They can remind you that tripping is not falling, that it'sstill necesary to fight up to the end.
Perhaps if you are defeated they can give you a hand.
And no matter how far away they are or how long it has been since they saw you, they will share your happiness or sadness.

English classes

I met another Chilean today. He comes from the capital and now he is a Canadian resident, he will probably start taking English classes next week. I forgot ask his name. Good Luck.

If your fate drives your steps to Montreal and you need to learn English, French or another language with teachers who are natives speakers take a look at College Canada. You can join a class with 4 to 8 classmates by 6 $CAN/hr or private classes for 24 $CAN/hr. Trust me, you won't have regrets if you make it your choice .


Have you ever hear anything about Cronopios? If not try this book. If you enjoy reading it, you are probably one of us. Don't you want to buy the book? Then try these short stories:

Selections of "Cronopios Y Famas"
(Julio Cortazar translated by Paul Blackburn)

"When famas go on a trip, when they pass the night in a city, their procedure is the following: one fama goes to the hotel and prudently checks the prices, the quality of the sheets, and the color of the carpets. The second repairs to the commissariat of police and there fills out a record of the real and transferable property of all three of them, as well as an inventory of the contents of their valises. The third fama goes to the hospital and copies the lists of doctors on emergency and their specialties.
After attending to these affairs diligently, the travelers join each other in the central plaza of the city, exchange observations, and go to a cafe to take an aperitif. But before they drink, they join hands and do a dance in a circle. This dance is known as "The Gayety of the Famas."
When cronopios go on a trip, they find that all the hotels are filled up, the trains have already left, it is raining buckets and taxis don’t want to pick them up, either that or they charge them exorbitant prices. The cronopios are not disheartened because they believe firmly that these things happen to everyone. When they manage, finally, to find a bed and are ready to go to sleep, they say to one another, "What a beautiful city, what a very beautiful city!" And all night long they dream that huge parties are being given in the city and that they are invited. The next day they arise very contented, and that’s how cronopios travel.
Esperanzas are sedentary. They let things and people slide by them. They’re like statues one has to go visit. They never take the trouble. "

It sound familiar to you?. It sound so familiar to me, it' s scary.

And what about your behavior compared with this people?

"Now it happens that turtles are great speed enthusiasts, which is natural. The esperanzas know that and don’t bother about it. The famas know it, and make fun of it. The cronopios know it, and each time they meet a turtle, they haul out the box of colored chalks, and on the rounded blackboard of the turtle’s shell they draw a swallow. "

Finally, this feels familiar, don't cry, please. It is not so bad. People love or hate a cronopio, but never forget him.



cuando estas bien tienes un monton de amigos, cuando estas mal recien conoces cuales eran tus amigos reales.

Para que sirven los amigos?

Ellos pueden escucharte.

Ellos pueden darte un consejo. Incluso esos que no te gusta escuchar.

A veces ellos pueden aliviar tu pena solo con una palmada en tus hombros.

Ellos tambien te pueden recordar que tropezar no es caer, que hay que pelearla hasta el final y si aun asi pierdes te puden dar una mano para levantarte.

Y sin importar tiempo o distancia ellos comparten tu alegria y tu tristeza.

Clases de Ingles.

Si por esas cosas del destino aterrizan en Montreal y necesitan aprender ingles o frances, echen una ojeada al College Canada, profesores nativos y un precio conveniente . 6 dolares/hora con otros 4 a 8 estudiantes de diferentes nacionalidades o 24 dolares hora por clases particulares. No se arrepentiran.

5 comentarios:

Fabricio dijo...

Perhaps the secret, is that "fames" are really cronopies offspring who taught them to avoid walls put for other "cronopies", because that they already knew that were there. For sure your offspring, my friend, will be "fames", and the fames offsprings will be "cronopies", if they don't take adequate care.


Fabricio dijo...

ni yo me entendí... :S

Nervio dijo...

I disagree!!!!

A cronopio can't choose his fate, he born as a cronopio. The fame only want money. And, for this people things are easy.

Unknown dijo...

uy, yo tampoco le entendí... pero en fin... el asunto es que los que nacimos cronopios morimos haciendo ctrl+alt+del ???

Me he acordado de ti, hermano, por hartas razones:

a) cada vez q he tratado de postear, no puedo
b) vi un ejemplar de la especie "cucaracha calva chilensis"...
c) seh... *o* ese mismo ejemplar, y sirve para decirnos a nosotros mismos q estamos MEJOR (esta harto kgao jabba-el-hut) cronopios, pero dignos
d) se viene tu cumple!
e) yo ya ni escribo en mi blog xq tb se me seca el cerebro xox
f) ayer me enteré de la caida de uno de mis enemigos (no, de esos mutuos no era...) y ra, fue mas rapido y facil de lo q pensaba, ademas yo ni me movi de mi escritorio
g) algo soñe... pero ya no recuerdo

Un gran abrazo, y dele no más, en nombre del cronopio nacional.


Nervio dijo...

El waton mala clase ufffff
Saludos amiga