Cresta!!!!! (Damnit)
An electric shock, the best way to keep awake...
Bueno, no pido que entienda, 4 compannia, hace 10 añios que servi en este regimiento.
A video of chilean infantry wearing replicas of of the nitrate war's uniforms (South Pacific war for Chileans 1879). You can see some women between the officers, it's beginning of the end!!!. Poor us. Think,in pencopolis we have a woman as president, a woment as intendent, a woman as gobernor, a woman as mayor... And so on and so on, finally in every part the boss is a lady. Damnit, what happen whit us!!! Chile used to be a macho country and now ... Lilith is taking her revenge...
Puro Chile en Montreal
I upload some videos about national Chilean day in Montreal.
A woman wants a hero, but she has to choose a real man, flesh and bone. Man who could sometimes be tired, coward or becomes a big stupid ... Then what is the goal? I don't know. Mr. Perfect don't exist, only some good men.
Una mujer busca un heroe, pero debe elegir un hombre real, carne y hueso.Uno que a veces puede estar cansado, acobardarse o volverse un gran estupido... entonces, que pueden buscar? No se. El hombre perfecto no existe, solo algunos buenos hombres.
The not so short Chilean History: Part I The Arauco's war

The first European that looked at Chilean territory was Hernando de Magallanes, he discovered the Magellan Strait in 1520. For 25 years this territoy was a forgotten land.
When Spaniards take over Inca Empire and kill Atahualpa, Inca's living-god. Quechua people told conquerors about a land filled with gold south of the Inca empire's border. Quickly the conquerors started a raid to the Chilean territory. 300 Spaniards, 150 blacks and 10000 yanaconas left Peru marching to the south. The Andes mountains kill 20 Spaniards, 170 horses and 8500 yanaconas, ,The column arrive at Copiapo valley where the Spaniards burn some Diaguitas as a punishment for an attemp to resist the conquest. But Spaniards didn't find gold in this valley. Still marching up to Aconcagua Valley. Picunche people shown hospitality with Spaniards, but when realize the real intentions of them, run away to hide them in the mountains. And no gold was found in the aconcagua Valley. Then Spaniards went further in south direction up to the Itata Valley. There a coalition of promaucaes (Free Picunches not ruled by Inca's) and Mapuches fight in Reynogüelén against Spaniards. Finally horses, armors and fire guns provide a Spaniard victory. But the aborigine’s resistance and territory's poverty force Almagro to go back Peru. For a long time, Chilean territory becomes to be the cursed land of the Spanish empire.
Rich and influent, veteran of the Europeans wars of Holland, Flandes and Italy and in the American conquest of Santo Domingo, Venezuela and Peru nobody understood why ask to the Viceroy Pizarro for permit to conquest Chile. He left peru with 11 Spaniards and 1000 Yanaconas. During the march another Spaniards join the column to complete 110 Spaniards and 1 black.
Jun 11 1541: Santiago del Nuevo Extremo is funded in the Mapocho Valley.
September 11 1541: Santiago was atacked by 8000 Promaucaes under orders of Michimalongo, Ines de Suarez, the only spaniard women and Valdivia's lover direct the resistance, wearing a plate and producing a rapier cut off by herself aborigen hostage's heads giving courage to spaniards to keep fighting.
1544: Valdivia started the conquest of Mapuche territory. In Quilacura the Spaniards meet for first time Araucanian warriors an tactics. Them receive a nocturnal attack by close squadrons armored with pikes and heavy sticks. Armored Ritter and fire guns gave advantage to Spaniards, Valdivia realized the diference in tactics and courage of the araucanians respect to inca and becomes worried, he told to his lieutenant "Them fights like Dutch". At the end of the battle he saw a child taking care of is death father, call his attention that the child didn’t cry. He takes the child prisoner to be trained as a yanacona. The young man started a friendship whit the Spaniard captain Marcos Beas that trained him like a soldier. And he becomes to be a good soldier. His name was Lautaro, (speedy hawk) son of the warlord Curiñancu.
1552 : Lautaro ran out Concepcion and went back to Arauco. There he talked with Mapuche's senate. Then aborigines start to develop strategies to defeat the Spaniard Cavalry. The Araucanian army becomes to be an heavy infantry with leather armors and specialized warriors helped by a light cavalry.
Tucapel: Mapuche army defeated a Spaniard column, long spears were used to stop Spaniard cavalry, laces were used to take the Ritter off the horses and finally heavy stone hammers were used to finish the work breaking the helmets with heads inside. The captain valdivia was taken prisoner and killed last 3 days of torture. Valdivia's skull has been preserved in hidden by mapuches up to this day.
Marihueñu: Villagra organize Concepcion defense, 370 Spaniards and 1000 Yanaconas survivors of Tucapel making the last attempt to stop araucanians, only 66 castellans survive the battle.
Concepcion: Concepcion was destroyed by the araucanians. Penquista survivors arrive at Santiago.
Concepcion was reconstructed.
Concepcion was attacked and destroyed once time again.
Lautaro was marching against Santiago, talking with his ex friend Beas offered stopping the atack if Spaniards never more cross Maule river and gave a tribute in women and horses. Obviously the offer was not accepted.
Mataquito: Lautaro becomes to be cruel with his Picunche allies. Then one of them gave the position to spaniards. Captain villagra with a reduced force started a surprise attack against Lautaro camp. With the fight voice "by Santiago by Spain Avant" the Spaniards in a suicidal attack goes directly to the Lautaro tenth and killing him.
Arauco's war still for 300 years up to the last battles between 1868-1886, in final process, the pacification of the araucania 10.000 aborigines passed out fighting against the Chilean army. finally an agreement annexing Araucanian territory to the chilean republic.
With the end of the war Chile gain his territorial continuity, avoid french attemps to anexate these territories and taken control of the fertile land of the Arauco starting with a colonization process.
-In the spanish period 50.000 spaniards troopers were killed.
-No register about Mapuche causalities exist.
-After the war the mapuche people was reduced from 500.000 to 25.000 by diseases and starving.
Villagra, Ercilla, Alvarado, Pelantaru, Alejo, Janequeo all of them are names Chileans will never forget.
Algo por lo que luchar y un Amor que defender
Thank you.
Diputados con sorpresa
Bustos, Ceroni y Soto no lo olviden, los
8 de cada 10 delincuentes son hijos de delincuente
Aborto y pildoras y pena de muerte, elijan. Que no les gusta ninguna!!! entonces no se quejen.
Las dos lacras de Chile.
Chile nunca estuvo mejor que cuando para cosas importantes se tomaron algunas decisiones practicas. La idea de un estado que funcione independiente del presidente, merito del ministro Portales marco el orden de la republica por mucho tiempo. Otro acierto lo tuvieron los militares cuando se dieron cuenta hasta donde les llegaba el brazo y entregaron la economía a los técnicos de Chicago. Pero convengamos que fueron periodos de excepción, en Chile se nota demasiado lo hispanoamericano, Quijotes que pelea con molinos de viento por valores rimbombantes aunque se lleve todo por delante y destruyan las bases de un país civilizado.
No nos hagamos lesos, la diferencia entre católicos y socialistas no es mucha, en algún momento eligieron su religión y sus pecados pero en esencia, ambas son religiones y como toda religión, irracionales. Ambas defienden posturas desde la ideología poniendo primero las conclusiones y adaptando los hechos. Y para colmo de males, ambas tienen suficiente fuerza para mantenernos empantanados en un punto ciego. Unos con su afán de destruir la economía y los otros en su afán de aumentar las masas de pobres. Así como vamos en mi triste patria vamos a terminar con los impuestos de una socialdemocracia europea, los beneficios del neoliberalismo de corea del sur y el porcentaje de pobres de África.
Sociedades que han resuelto problemas básicos de pobreza y delincuencia han optado por medidas que combinan crecimiento y eugenesia descentralizada. Se incentiva la creación de empresas y también la libertad para decidir cuando dejar descendencia. Se crea riqueza y se evita la aparición de aquellos que serán una carga. Que se hace en Chile: La solución socialista es subir los impuestos aun más para gastarse el dinero que no tenemos en programas sociales que no funcionan. La solución católica es expandir una religión que impone culpas a los que tienen para forzar la caridad al tiempo que provoca el aumento de las masas de pobres, los “bárbaros” a las que ha tratado de “evangelizar” sin éxito por dos milenios. Finalmente ambas soluciones tienen en común la generacion de pobreza y el aumento de los problemas a la gente de esfuerzo y trabajo.
Alguien dijo que las ideas no cambian, son las personas las que mueren. Lamentablemente algunas ideas contaminan generación tras generación. Esperemos que con el aumento en la información las generaciones que vienen sean más racionales.
J. Guzmán D.
Nothing in my mind
This morning I didn't have any new ideas. For two hours my thoughts were lost in a black screen. Finally my soul left my body to play soccer with little creatures that dig galleries from Thule to the center of the earth. Meanwhile, my body was still writing code and listening to Rammstein songs.
I did my best to avoid thinking too much about my feelings. These feelings don't help me to work hard. Once again, I failed miserably. My sweet sadness gradually takes over my mind. My consciece told me "KeepWorking" but my complete humanity talked back "Don't bother me". It's hard, losing control over your feelings.
Lady Luck
I started checking the facts that brought me here. Murphy's Laws has been very influencial in my life. You can bet. Anyway, this is not a complaint, I need to face my real nature. Nothing was easy for me in the past, nothing is easy for me in the present. I think probably my life will forever be a kind of celestial joke, always receiving the correct answer at the wrong moment. To know it helps me to facing my problems.
When you are successfull you have a lot of frends. You only know who your real friends are when when you are worried .
What are friends good for?
They can listen to you sometimes.
They can give you advice sometimes, including the advices that don't you want.
They can relieve your pain sometimes by patting you on the shoulders.
They can remind you that tripping is not falling, that it'sstill necesary to fight up to the end.
Perhaps if you are defeated they can give you a hand.
And no matter how far away they are or how long it has been since they saw you, they will share your happiness or sadness.
English classes
I met another Chilean today. He comes from the capital and now he is a Canadian resident, he will probably start taking English classes next week. I forgot ask his name. Good Luck.
If your fate drives your steps to Montreal and you need to learn English, French or another language with teachers who are natives speakers take a look at College Canada. You can join a class with 4 to 8 classmates by 6 $CAN/hr or private classes for 24 $CAN/hr. Trust me, you won't have regrets if you make it your choice .
Have you ever hear anything about Cronopios? If not try this book. If you enjoy reading it, you are probably one of us. Don't you want to buy the book? Then try these short stories:
Selections of "Cronopios Y Famas"
(Julio Cortazar translated by Paul Blackburn)
"When famas go on a trip, when they pass the night in a city, their procedure is the following: one fama goes to the hotel and prudently checks the prices, the quality of the sheets, and the color of the carpets. The second repairs to the commissariat of police and there fills out a record of the real and transferable property of all three of them, as well as an inventory of the contents of their valises. The third fama goes to the hospital and copies the lists of doctors on emergency and their specialties.
After attending to these affairs diligently, the travelers join each other in the central plaza of the city, exchange observations, and go to a cafe to take an aperitif. But before they drink, they join hands and do a dance in a circle. This dance is known as "The Gayety of the Famas."
When cronopios go on a trip, they find that all the hotels are filled up, the trains have already left, it is raining buckets and taxis don’t want to pick them up, either that or they charge them exorbitant prices. The cronopios are not disheartened because they believe firmly that these things happen to everyone. When they manage, finally, to find a bed and are ready to go to sleep, they say to one another, "What a beautiful city, what a very beautiful city!" And all night long they dream that huge parties are being given in the city and that they are invited. The next day they arise very contented, and that’s how cronopios travel.
Esperanzas are sedentary. They let things and people slide by them. They’re like statues one has to go visit. They never take the trouble. "
It sound familiar to you?. It sound so familiar to me, it' s scary.
And what about your behavior compared with this people?
"Now it happens that turtles are great speed enthusiasts, which is natural. The esperanzas know that and don’t bother about it. The famas know it, and make fun of it. The cronopios know it, and each time they meet a turtle, they haul out the box of colored chalks, and on the rounded blackboard of the turtle’s shell they draw a swallow. "
Finally, this feels familiar, don't cry, please. It is not so bad. People love or hate a cronopio, but never forget him.
cuando estas bien tienes un monton de amigos, cuando estas mal recien conoces cuales eran tus amigos reales.
Para que sirven los amigos?
Ellos pueden escucharte.
Ellos pueden darte un consejo. Incluso esos que no te gusta escuchar.
A veces ellos pueden aliviar tu pena solo con una palmada en tus hombros.
Ellos tambien te pueden recordar que tropezar no es caer, que hay que pelearla hasta el final y si aun asi pierdes te puden dar una mano para levantarte.
Y sin importar tiempo o distancia ellos comparten tu alegria y tu tristeza.
Clases de Ingles.
Si por esas cosas del destino aterrizan en Montreal y necesitan aprender ingles o frances, echen una ojeada al College Canada, profesores nativos y un precio conveniente . 6 dolares/hora con otros 4 a 8 estudiantes de diferentes nacionalidades o 24 dolares hora por clases particulares. No se arrepentiran.
Y que tanto hoy estoy cortandome las venas con cucharas.
Whatever, today I can cut my veins with a spoon.
El sur de Concepcion
Estamos rodeados de gente que con la ideologia se salta la evidencia, sintomatico que tecnocrata en chile sea un insulto. Tomar decisiones racionales es un insulto en nuestro pais y despues nos quejamos.
Crecimiento economico, libertad de creer y de sentir, paz y bienestar.
Viva Chile
Chilean Wine
Chilean woman, Chilean wine in your lips I want to drink.
Chilean mountain, Chilean sea between them I want to die.
Can something be worst than be betrayed by the loved ones ?
Yes, beign judged by their own comrades.
Sweet lyrics, disturbing sound, crude images and Till's voice made of this song a masterpiece.
Imaginan algo peor que la traicion de los que mas quieren?
Si, que ademas te juzgen tus camaradas.
Una bonita letra, con una melodia perturbante, imagenes crudas y la voz de Till hacen de esta cancion una obra maestra.
Lyrics /Letra:

Today, I saw a crow defeating a dove in front of my eyes. Then I Remembered, in old Norsk mitology when wolves or rapace birds preceding your steps it's symbol of Victory.
Hoy vi un cuervo derrotar una paloma, Recorde entonces que en la mitologia nordica si lobos y rapaces preceden tu camino es simbolo de victoria.